Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eating it up!

I've been thinking allot about putting the garden to bed even though its not just time collecting leaves and compost and getting some Llama poo from down the road to make next year even better.  Making notes in my book on what to grow and where in my garden next year.  Very exciting.  today i pulled the basil out and picked the pumpkin.  the pumpkin isn't quiet done but its been so wet the last few weeks that where it was sitting just wasn't getting good and dry and I don't want it to rot!
So i pulled the basil and made some pesto. I don't use a recipe anymore just fill the food processor up with fresh basil throw in a handful or so of whatever nuts are in the cupboard, I did have pine nuts today, pour in Parmesan cheese and oil.  I adjust the oil and cheese by taste at the end and consistency and then freeze in ice cube trays.  I cant find my ice cube trays though.  :(

 Then i moved on to zucchini cake!  It came out a bit dry but its still super Yummy !  It will be a good snack for Haylee and tony for work and school this week.

We had fresh tomatoes with supper tonight, the big ones are still green and I'm watching them and the weather closely.  We ate the last cucumber as well.  Not nearly enough of those from the garden this summer.  Hopefully I'll make it to the market this weekend of next week and stuck up on some stuff!

 Then for dinner with some chicken wee had a pesto cream sauce which i just whipped up from what was in my cupboards so it wasn't exactly what i wanted but it turned out pretty good, canned cream of chicken soup and milk, parm cheese and 1/4 cup of pesto added to it.

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