Thursday, August 16, 2012


So Yesterday we finaly made it to pick peaches we went to  Doles Orchard in Limerick.  Wegot up early, they only have morning hours and it's a bit of a trek and picked yellow and white peaches in the rain, hence no pictures from the orchard. 

We made peach pie and chopped peaches for jam yesterday.  So first i boiled them for 30 seconds approx. 

then they went in the ice bath and were peeled, most pretty easily, with the occasional stubborn one. 

They are so  pretty and yummy!!

Then we added sugar to make syrup for the pie filling, which I wont share the recipe because my pie was a flop, it tasted great but did not hold together at all!

All the while after a long weeks work tony was slaving away on our new coop for our meet chickens.  

 Winter came out with me to check on the chicks.  Fetching Hope
The rest of the flock

Monday, August 13, 2012

Slacker in the summer state

 Apparently my purple and white phlox cross pollinated it's very pretty!

 Wild thistle growing in the yard very pretty but it's not very nice. 

 Our newest foster puppy being naughty but I couldn't resist because she's so stinking cute!  This is Winter available through  Fetching hope

She is adorable and sweet and listens well and learning commands eagerly!  

 I havent done a ton of what I'd call good cooking but last night we had stuffed chicken breast and pasta.  Stuffed with fresh tomato and Basil from my garden.  Fresh Mozzarella and Garlic from a friends!

 the pasta had Parmesan cheese and fresh garlic and basil.