Tuesday, January 15, 2013

fun stuff

So we once again made some yummy popcorn, this time with candy apple coating..who knew!!

And then it was 50 degrees outside in January in Maine!!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

uh oh!

seems people are reading and i'm not posting!  UhOh!    Here I am, we aren't off to a good start, nasty sickness going around the house.  But 2 days before the new year I ran for dog transport in the middle of the night in the middle of a snow storm to pick up 6 very stinky dogs in Kittery.  What a wild night.
Haylee was still awake waiting for the puppies when I arrived home after 1am.  

I brought 2 darlings puppies home with me fore the night and sent the rest off with Julie Damon of http://www.beaubuddyrescue.com/  One was ours to foster and the other was going to another kind soul  Well....Stormy Since he had no name and it was one helluva ride isn't leaving.
Weeee not exactly what I was planning...but he's a delight and so laid back!
So due to being sick I haven't gotten terribly motivates but we started this week off right.
I made meatballs on Sunday for meatball subs, Yum and we just ate the rest with spaghetti tonight.  I've cooked a chicken with a lovely paprika rub we have one of our own birds left.  Then I need to find the best deal on local chicken.

Paprika, sea salt, and Italian seasoning, a little olive oil rubbed on the bird first, I prefer coconut oil but I'm out.  The gravy was wonderful and I also roasted a head of garlic inside.

We had an attack on our duck Sally this past weekend, she got a terrible head wound.  I brought her inside because i was to be at a photoshoot just after this happened.  I expected we would loose her when we got home.  She was well, we cleaned her up and Tony stopped and talked to our friends at http://www.dehleranimalclinic.com/ and the recommended a sugar bandage, not much else to be done.  So we wrapped her in sugar and honey after consulting our friend Google.  Today 3 days later she is eating and drinking and even cleaning tonight.  We built her a box and she's staying in for a while at least until she starts quacking really loud!