Last week was the kind of week summer is supposed to be! We swam lots ate good food, harvested yummy fruits, spent time with our favorite people! This weeks hopefully will turn around....The dog was sick last week and that left us a bit stressed, appears to have been an upper respiratory infection and the heat and antibiotics upset her already fussy tummy. But she's back on track and doing great!
Last weekend we went camping at Basin Pond NH
We hiked to heart falls again this year there was much more water then last year but I'd like to hike it some spring.
We had a little rain but nothing unmanageable!
We stopped at bickford slides on the way home and played in the water! it was lovely.
Our first foster puppy came home Wilma and Mayzee get along great, I'm not sure if she is still available but check out her rescue! Fetching Hope
We picked strawberries last week at Chipmans FarmWe made jam and muffins and ate lotsa and froze them for things too. I'd like to pick some more if time and such allows.