Monday, October 24, 2011

Apples apples oh my!  We've been to the orchard 3 times!  We've made minnie apple pies, apple sauce, pork roast with apples, and eaten many many apples with sugar and nutella!  I've been cooking more.  Apple crisp is in the toaster oven as I type.  

Preparing for individual pies!

Haylee helped to peel.  

Snack time!


Leftover crust cookies

Anniversary roses!  10 years married, 17 together!

Monday, October 10, 2011

the leaves are changing they really are!

I've been cooking bunches and I have been taking pictures.  Lets see we made peach muffins, apple muffins, 

Gingerbread Halloween cookie,  with my rock star baking assistant!

 I know a little early but I don't think its ever to early in  child's eyes!

It's Grilled cheese season which is just about my favorite food!  Add some bacon and it might be heaven! the tomatoes from the Garden are nearly gone, they tasted so good!

We took a trip to Connecticut to see family and what was supposed to be a rainy weekend turned out wonderful!  We went to Cotton hollow, which I had to ask to photograph since it is closed to the general public.

We went to Wickham Park in Manchester CT, Tony played some disc golf, we visited the gardens and saw the rescued birds.  

A lobster dinner was served when we arrived!

  This is where we stayed right on the Connecticut river.

We've also been to the local fair!

 Someone tell me i don't need a goat!