So the garden is dug and one is built I'll need to post some pictures but i haven't taken any that aren't on the cell phone naughty me. I've got tomato's many red and many yellow cherry tomato's. Then a friend a gave me 4-5 other plants all of a purple variety yum! I've got some growing in the garden and some will be in the flower bed if i ever get them there I was waiting for the rain now I'm blogging instead of digging. I've got two in one of those hanging contraptions in the clothes line so we'll see what does best.
Then I've got basil from Noona and some from Melissa thanks all! I've got peppers from Melissa, we traded for some of my too many squash plants. I've got a few peppers from Darlene as well. I've got cucumbers that look like they are doing well.
I planted peas along the back walk and i cant keep the trellis standing. The green beans and waxed beans are coming along as are the summer squash and zucchini. I also have rainbow chard and purple cabbage and celery to dress up my growing perennial beds.
tony has plans for a neato herb bed made from pallets that he's going to remodel and paint but that will mostly be for next year. Now we watch and wait and water or hope for sun depending on the week.
As for cooking This week we had Taco's. hot dogs, Blt's and i have no idea what we are eating tonight. I'm really trying to get back on track, uunfortunitly the grill ran out of gas so until pay day thats on the back burner. Pictures to come soon.